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Categories: Bible Study

John 11: 1 – 5, 2 Kings 20: 1 – 3 ; 1 Samuel 11:1-9

Scripture is full of instances where God intervenes when we men and the arm of flesh could not help
us. We find solace and help in God’s promises as explained by Peter “Whereby are given unto us
exceeding great and precious promises. Paul said: “Having therefore obtained help of God, I
continue unto this day…” (Acts 26:22). May God help us tonight according to His promises because
we are called by His name and His faithfulness extends to His word and name in Jesus name.


What determines fulfilment of promises is who made the promise, his capacity and ability to redeem
the promise. If God did not promise to intervene when we face difficulties, we will have no grounds
to ask for it. You are the target of God’s promises and blessings. It is your special privilege. You are
not permitted to ask for anything that is not in line with the will of God as stated in the Bible.
• Healing, strength, preservation, provision are His promises
• Deliverance, defence, restoration, upliftment are His promises
• Grace to prosper, Grace for kingdom exploits are all His promised
( Read Jere 32:27; Isaiah 41:10- 13; Genesis 15:1; Mal 3:6; Judges 6:23 ;2 Kings 6:16 ; Genesis
26:24;Jeremiah 42:11; Acts 18:9-10; Isaiah 35:4;Luke 8:50; Luke 18:27; Psalm 91:14-15. Matthew 7:
7, Mark 11:24, John 15: 16; Jeremiah 33: 3; Num 23:19)


 King Uzziah was greatly helped 2 Chronicles 26:14-15
 Daniel was helped by angel Michael against prince of Persia that withstood and hijacked
the answers to his prayers Dan 10:13
 The widow of Zarapheth was greatly helped in famine 1 Kings 17:12-16
 God did it again for the widow of Bethel 2 Kings 4:1-6
 Men of Jabesh were unexpectedly helped 1 Samuel 11:1-11
 Jehoshaphat was helped 2 Chronicles 20
 Hagar and her son Ismeal were helped Genesis 21:17;

What God’s help could do
 God’s help open the door and attract helpers: Gods help provoke other people to help. 1Chr
12:16-18 &
 God’s help is an invitation of favour and acceptance. This spirit of favour will make everyone
run around you to help you 1 Chro 12:21-22
 Gods help prevent accidents: When help is in place preservation is sure. (Psalm 121)
 God's help is an antidote to pain and reproach 1 Chronicles 4:10
 God's help leads to victory 1 Chronicles 5:20
Enemies to God’s Help

 Pride 2 Chronicles 26:15-19(Uzziah succeeded admirably but his success seduced him into
pride; his pride led to a sin that in a few moments nullified years of achievement. Though
he reigned for 52 years and had many outstanding accomplishments, he was remembered
by the sad epitaph , “He is a leper” King Uzziah’s success is is decribed in 2 Chro 26:1-15 and
his downfall in 2 Chro 26: 16-23
(a) Success is a great good if it comes from the Lord and is used for the Lord and His
(b) His success was out of his heart for God and had a fatherly mentor in Prophet
Zachariah who helped direct him in godliness and wisdom (2 Chro 26 vs5)
(c) He followed solomons counsel ( Prov 3:5-6). It means Uzziah consulted God (Isa
8:19; Psalm 1:1-3)

 As a result he has far reaching vision, whose accomplishment included both domestic and
foreign projects. He built Eloth modern day Eilat a por city at the southern tip of Isreal.
 He subdued a number of Philistines cities and built Isreal citiies in their region (2 Chro 26:6)
 He conqured Arabians and Meunites (to the south), and Ammonites to the East and they
were paying him tributes (2 Chro 26:7-8)
 Uzziah also fortified Jerusalem , restoring the defence against the northern kingdom which
his father has lodt (2 Chr 26:9)
 He build towers for the defence of his vast agricultural and livestock holding in the outlying
countryside (2 Chr 26:10). He was an early Ecologist.
 He developed a strong army which could wage war with great power (vs 13). In addition to
the traditional weapons Uzziah installed
 Also, Uzziah developed a strong army which “could wage war with great power” (26:13). In
addition to the traditional weapons (26:14), Uzziah installed the latest military hardware
in Jerusalem–great catapults and arrow-shooting devices (26:15). As a result, we read
twice (26:8, 15) of his widespread fame. . Fame is simply an opportunity to tell more people
of the greatness of God, so that His name is exalted. It also provides the opening to do more
for the Lord’s work and for His people, to see them established in His ways.
 “Don’t confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other.” So we ought
to view any measure of success God gives us as a trust to be managed for His glory and
 sharing God’s glory Acts 12:20-23 –King herod was a pompous and prod politician, he was
also a dynamic public speaker , a great orator like some of our politicians today. Read 2
Thess 2:4 and Matt 23:12 His pride ended in a worm of pride reward (Acts 12:23 &
Isa14:10-12; Ezikiel 28:2-9)
 Disobedience to Gods law and withholding His testimony – Psalm 78:9-11 (forgetting what
God has done by removing the testimony from our lips causes us to become fearful in the
day of battle
Hedonism – the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence. Jeshurun did exactly that.
Jeshurun waxed fat and covered with fatness; then he forsook God
 .The story of the children of Epraim is tragic because they were equipped to win. Note a
profound part of Jewish culture is to keep the testimony of the Lord (Exo15:26). The
testimony of God creates appetite for more of the activities of God and also prophesy to
others that God is about to repeat same testimony in their lives because the testimony of
Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Author: admin

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